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02.02.04 – Administrative Leave With Pay

Section: Human Resources

Area: Benefits

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Section 661.911 of the Texas Government Code authorizes that administrative leave with pay, not to exceed 32 hours during a fiscal year, may be granted to state employees as a reward for outstanding performance as documented by an employee performance appraisal. Administrative Leave is an award and should not be considered an employee entitlement.


Administrative Leave With Pay may be granted to any employee whose job performance and productivity consistently exceeds those normally expected or required by the job description of the employee. Administrative Leave With Pay may also be granted to an employee who has successfully completed a special project of significant importance to warrant special recognition. In either case, the required job performance level must be documented in the most recent performance evaluation from the employee's supervisor on the Administrative Leave With Pay Form .


A. Outstanding performance: An overall rating of exceeds expectations on the employee's most recent performance evaluation or the successful completion of a special project of significant importance to warrant special recognition.

B. Fiscal year: The 12-month period beginning September 1 and extending through the following August 31.

C. Eligible employee: All benefits-eligible employees who are not on probation. This excludes students employed in positions that require student status as a condition of employment.


A. No more than 32 hours of Administrative Leave With Pay may be granted to an employee per fiscal year. Administrative Leave With Pay may be granted only in four or eight-hour increments.

B. Student employees, temporary employees and probationary employees are not eligible to be awarded Administrative Leave With Pay.

C. Each recipient who is granted Administrative Leave With Pay must have a recent performance appraisal in PASS with an overall rating of "exceeds expectations" and an Administrative Leave With Pay Form from the employee's supervisor documenting the reason for the recommendation of Administrative Leave With Pay. The employee must not currently be subject to formal disciplinary action.

D. Awards of Administrative Leave With Pay must be taken within the fiscal year they are awarded, and these awards may not be converted to any other type of leave. The division vice president or designee maintains approval authority for the granting of Administrative Leave within that division.

E. The division vice president or designee will sign the Administrative Leave With Pay Form , confirming all criteria have been met for each request for Administrative Leave With Pay.

F. Administrative Leave With Pay will be taken and accounted for in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in MAPP 02.02.03 . An employee who has received an award of Administrative Leave With Pay may request to use that leave by submitting a request for leave using the "other leave" category on the University of Houston Absence Request/Notification form in PASS.

G. Administrative Leave With Pay may not be carried forward beyond the fiscal year in which it is awarded. Administrative Leave With Pay may not be transferred or paid should the employee end their employment relationship in the department from which the award was granted. In addition, Administrative Leave With Pay will not be paid to the estate of a deceased employee.

H. Vice Presidents, or their designees, will maintain a central department Administrative Leave With Pay file to record information on employees who have been granted Administrative Leave With Pay, and to record when this leave has been used. In divisions where the approval of Administrative Leave has been delegated, a copy of the Administrative Leave With Pay Form granting Administrative Leave With Pay will be forwarded to the office of the appropriate vice president or designee. A copy of the Administrative Leave With Pay Form will also be filed in the employee's personnel file with the approved Request for Personal Absence form submitted in PASS for use of Administrative Leave With Pay.


Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Texas Government Code Section 661.911
UH System Administrative Memorandum 02.D.01  Vacation and Sick Leave
UH System Administrative Memorandum 02.D.04  Leaves of Absence
MAPP 02.02.03 – Leaves of Absence
Administrative Leave With Pay Form


Issued: 04/07/2008
Last Reviewed/Revised: 08/23/2024
Responsible Office(s): Human Resources